The Second Edition of Pathfinder was released in 2019 and deviates dramatically from the prior edition of Pathfinder — the one that was originally built on a foundation of Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 and 3.5.
Like its predecessor, Pathfinder Second Edition is a Fantasy Roleplaying game, where you can encounter magic, dragons, and other wondrous sights.
The newest edition stands on its own feet with an innovative and highly regarded action system, as well as degrees of success and failure not found in most d20-based roleplaying games.
Like most games that we support, Pathfinder Second Edition is part of the Open Gaming License. This has now been changed (as of 2023) to be using the ORC License instead.
Starfinder was based on the first edition of Pathfinder, and uses a similar set of mechanics, though in most cases these have been streamlined greatly to increase ease-of-play.
Unlike Pathfinder and 5e, Starfinder takes the heroes into science fiction, where they'll encounter strange planets, alien beings, and ancient technology.
Like most of the other games we support, Starfinder is part of the Open Gaming License.
The Fifth Edition of Dungeons & Dragons is currently the most popular roleplaying game in the world, with many podcasts, livestreams,, and gaming tables dedicated to it.
A fantasy roleplaying game of the classic kind, its worlds are filled with dwarves and elves, strange magics and evil villains. This is paired with a relatively simple (for an RPG) system that is easy for new players and Game Masters to pick up and learn.
Unfortunately, for the most part, and due to the modified version of the Open Gaming License that it uses, Third-Party Publishers cannot use the full name and iconography of the game, and as a result, it is popularly known as 5e.
The First Edition of Pathfinder was released in 2009 and further expanded on the foundation created by Dungeons & Dragons 3.0 and 3.5. Many referred to Pathfinder as D&D 3.75 to reflect this fact. At one point in time it was the most popular roleplaying game available.
Like most games that we support, Pathfinder First Edition is part of the Open Gaming License.
Beyond the Horizon publishes a number of other resources, both for other games, as well as systemless releases.
Systemless releases are available for use in any game regardless of system and include such things as random loot generators, encounter generators, maps, and NPC generators.